Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Week-end in Silver Spring

Labor Day 2010 in the D.C. area was blessed with beautiful weather -- temperatures in the mid 80's with low humidity. Mark had planned for some time to seize the day by taking the boys on a hike. So ... when Moges and Donica arrived at Eccleston St. with the boys (+ a friend who had joined Daniel, Eli and Micah for a sleepover at their place on Sunday night), we had 6 boys and 4 adults for the trek in two cars to Great Falls National Park on the Potomac River.
All kinds of other folks had the same idea, so there was a long line of cars waiting to enter the park gate, but we parked, gathered up our lunch stuff and headed out on the River Trail. We probably hiked less than 2 miles in all, but it was a nice day.

The week-end also included baking some brownies and lots of time on the trampoline for the boys. (We'd finally set-up the trampoline just prior to the week-end.) - rw


N said...

hmmmmmmmmmmmm. isn't that a little late to be setting up the trampoline???

great pic of moges and donica!

Ron and Nancy said...

Sure, Nzol, it's late, but in Mark's defense it was sure hot and humid + scads of mosquitoes earlier in the summer!

woodward said...

Where is the trampoline SAFETY net?! Such delinquent parenting techniques when mom is away and a lenient is Grandpa is in charge. I bet you even take out the kids for ice cream sometimes.