On Saturday, April 30th, Tasha wore her cap and gown and participated in the graduation ceremonies at Western Seminary -- even though she won't actually finish her course work until her summer session concludes in August. At that time she will formally receive her Master's Degree in Counseling from the seminary. Involved in Tasha's journey toward her master's degree were courses from the seminary both in counseling and biblical studies. Pictured with Tasha is Maggie, her good friend, strong supporter, and also her landlady.

Even though Nancy and I regretted being so far away, we were gratified that Levi and Ramona Willits were there, along with my sister, Elaine Penn. Elaine had synchronized her trip (from Lincoln, NE) to see our mother with Tasha's graduation. And, Levi and Ramona had arranged the timing and the itinerary of their trip from Tucson, AZ back to Iowa to include the graduation. -rw