Friday, February 15, 2008

Night Visitor in the ISKL LIbrary

When I arrived at work on February 14th the first thing strange was that the alarm system was beeping. Soon my staff and I discovered that a ceiling panel had fallen to the floor. Next we discovered animal poop and hair on the floor. After contacting maintenance, we discovered that our night visitor had set off the motion sensor alarm at midnight and in all likelihood the culprit was a civet cat. I learned that civet cats seem to frequent the spaces above the ceilings at the school. The cat must have crawled back out as it was never seen in the library.


N said...

you mean that picture was not taken in the ISKL library? wow, that's crazy!

N said...

great pix! how come you didn't wear your sari? anyway, everyone looks great.. just that the texas girl sticks out a bit. but that looks like fun!!