Saturday, April 19, 2008

Nancy's comments on Nepal

We got to and from our trek in a small plane from Kathmandu to Lukla. As you can see the runway makes for interesting landings and takeoffs.

Ron asked me to post something about our trip to Nepal. It was the fulfillment of a lifetime dream to see Mt. Everest in person. Mt. Everest is in the left background behind Sara and me. Since we returned friends have asked me if I'd do it again. My answer is that I'm glad that I did it once but would not do it again. It was harder than I thought it would be. I had been working out and my legs were in good shape and didn't get tired. However, one can't prepare for the altitude when you live at sea level. When we hiked it seemed like I never could catch my breath. It didn't get better with time as it usually does in the altitude. The accomodations were a step up from camping but rustic and it was like backpacking and no shower for 9 days. Here is one of the rooms we stayed in at a tea house. Hiking close to the edge of steep drop-offs and over swaying suspension bridges high above a river canyon are not on my list of favorite hikes. But I made it and prayed a lot while hiking. Ron did great the entire trip - no illnesses or fears. Yes, I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to have hiked this trail once. -Nancy

1 comment:

N said...

a very impressive feat, i'd say!