Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Halong Bay

After two nights (Jan. 2-3) in our hotel in Hanoi, a van picked us up in the morning, along with our traveling companions, the Haneys and the Philbricks, and took us to Halong Bay where we boarded "the Paloma" for a cruise of 2 nights and a part of 3 days. Halong Bay is world-famous for the unique rock formations, and the cruise included several hours for kayaking, a bar-b-que with linen tablecloths on a deserted sandbar, and a visit by small boats to a floating village.On the visit to the floating village
Nancy and I had a very attractive young Vietnamese girl who did all the rowing in our small dinghy. During summer months on Halong Bay it can be very hot, but we experienced chilly, overcast weather. I couldn't pass up getting a picture of Nancy all bundled-up on the upper deck. It wasn't exactly like a Caribbean Cruise! - rw


Anonymous said...

Wow, it does look incredibly cold! Must have really been good for Nancy's voice.

Mark W. said...

Looks fascinating.

N said...

oh my... looks too cold. but fascinating. said...

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