Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene on Eccleston St.

The huge tree in Mark and Marta's front lawn surrendered a couple of its large limbs to the wind gusts of Hurricane Irene early on Sunday morning (1:38 a.m), August 28th. As you can see, the foliage at the end of those limbs was right up against the window in Daniel and Eli's room when morning light illuminated the scene. Mark heard the impact while he and the boys were sleeping in the basement, but I slept through the entire event. Fortunately, the limbs caused little damage -- a slight tear in a window screen and a badly dented gutter at the corner of the house. We all are in hopes that the county will do the clean-up since the tree belongs to them and is on the county right-of-way strip where a sidewalk would normally be. (We estimated that the storm dumped about 4" of rain right here in less than 24 hours.) - rw

1 comment:

N said...

this is my question: how do you know it was 1:38 am if you didn't even wake up???