Sunday, June 16, 2013

Our first-ever Grandkids' trip in Panama!

After flying to D.C. on June 12th, Nancy and I drove on the 14th half-way to Toledo, OH on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to meet Doug and pick up Reeve. (Reeve, 11, and Daniel, 12, are with us on our "Caravan Tour" to Panama.)
Our first full day of the tour was "Father's Day," so our tour guide had the tour bus decked-out with appropriate balloons. Nancy and I are pictured in Panama City with a view of the Pacific Ocean. (So far we have really enjoyed our Caravan Tour. Our tour leader, Cinthia, is a native of Costa Rica but currently is working for Caravan in Panama.)
A real highlight of our first full day was the chance to see the Miraflores Locks on the Panama Canal and actually watch two large ships pass through the locks! - rw


Marta said...

I'm so glad Cinthia got the balloons we sent!


N said...

Yes, and glad you she got the shades that I sent. Great pics!!

Doug said...

Wow! What an experience! Thanks for the great pictures.