Friday, December 28, 2007

Nancy's KL Journal August 18, 2007

Today marks one month in Malaysia. So much had happened! I have lots to be thankful for and am ready for Ron to get here in two weeks. He’s off backpacking in the high Sierras this week.

I’m listening to NPR "Wait Wait Don’t’ Tell Me" as I type this. I’d listen to this on Sat. in OR and now I listen at my own convenience.

Here are some updates – first work. Since I came because of the job it’s a good place to start. I am really happy about work. The library has a good collection and a great budget. I have 3 fulltime assistants and they have been very helpful. The first day of school we had 11 classes in the library and the second day we had 19 classes. Most were coming in the checkout library books. A few were there for research.

There is a computer lab in the library with 20 computers and on Friday I was in it for 4 periods teaching students about our databases and how to do citations. It’s such a delight to be teaching and doing library work instead of managing textbooks for the first two weeks of school.

Class sizes are small – no classes seem to have over 20 students.

I am on the HS Department Coordinators team and it’s interesting to learn the inner workings of the HS school. The administrators are so helpful and discussions include the nuts and bolts of running a HS and also about curriculum and how to be excellent teachers.

I got a desk for me on Friday and so now feel like I can get organized. I’ve been working at the circulation desk and it has been OK but not the best for helping students and teachers. All in all I know that this is a wonderful profession opportunity for me.

Next is life in KL. I’m getting more comfortable about driving in KL and have made it to some new stores. I got some things that make life easier at a large store called TESCO. So now I have a DVD player, a CD/radio, a hair dryer and a rice cooker. TESCO is like the local Fred Meyer – (downsized Wal-Mart with grocery store). My staff said they shop there. The grocery selection is good and it’s close to our house. Today when I was there I was thinking this seems close to shopping in the US and then I came to the aisle of rice and there are bags of rice the size of large dog food bags piled high on both sides of one long grocery aisle – no small boxes of rice here. Another difference was that there were 4 or more small birds flying around and eating rice that was on the floor - all shoppers simply ignored them.


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