Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day in KL

Sunday, May 11th began at 8:30 a.m. with worship at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church downtown. During the service all Moms were asked to stand and were presented with red carnations by children who had just been up front for the children's story. "Mom Nance" was delighted with a Mother's Day card and a beautiful bouquet of flowers -- a gift from Tasha, Doug and Tracy, Mark and Marta.

Following worship, Doug treated his Mom (& accompanying husband) to brunch at The Dome Restaurant at KLCC. Food was good and manners exceptional apart from Rania reaching out to grab a beverage just as soon as the waiter set it on the table. Result: fruit punch all over Rania, the table and the floor! Pictures below (apart from Doug and Reeve in matching ISKL shirts) were all taken at the restaurant.

As a postcript, I wanted to include a couple of pictures taken prior to Mother's Day when I had Gabi and Rania over to our condo for the day -- to swim, eat mac-and-cheese, take naps and play with various games and toys. A typical "Gabi-activity" at Grandpa's is playing on the computer with PBS Kids. As you can tell, Rania is able to entertain herself with a quite a number of things! - rw


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Nancy! Great to see you all looking so good.


woodward said...

Nice pics! Those children are awfully adorable!

Ron and Nancy said...

As we said before, it has something to do with how glamorous the parents look. -rw

N said...

Yes, Happy mother's day!! Yes, you all look so good. Agreed.