Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Family Reunion in the U.S. of A.

During Nancy's short sojourn in the U.S. this summer we managed to work-in a 2-week visit with Mark & Marta, Daniel, Eli and Micah on frequent flyer miles + arrange a "reunion" with the rest of our tribe at a state park in NE Ohio. We both flew to D.C. on separate airlines on July 9th and then rode in M&M's Toyota Siena to Punderson State Park near Cleveland on the 18th for three nights with Tasha and Doug, Tracy, Reeve, Gabi and Rania. (Tasha had flown-into Cleveland Friday a.m. on a red-eye from Portland.) Also joining us for portions of the week-end were Levi & Ramona Willits, Don and Lynn, Ray, David and Leidi. One big hit of the week-end was Ray's tractor-cab which provided exciting rides for the kids since Ray was in transit with a trailer-load from the east coast back to Iowa. The week-end was filled with fun events like swimming, fishing, boating and going out to eat. In addition, Doug was the "tech guy" to help Tasha and Marta film a video for The Amazing Race!

All-in-all it was a terrific time. We're really thankful that we could get together! Many pictures were taken including "portraits" of individuals like the one shown with Micah and his great-looking "Afro." - rw

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was the best blog entry ever. As Mark says, what is Mt. Everest next to Micah sitting in a rocking chair? Thank you!
