I drove up to Mt. Vernon on Friday morning, picking up Claire Smith at Sea-Tak airport where she'd flown in on Jet Blue shortly before 11 a.m. Shirley & Allen Kerr also drove up to Mt. Vernon on Friday, so after meeting at Winnie's apartment we drove downtown together for pizza. (Picture: Winnie, Christmas, 2005)
The memorial service for Winnie (as the sign indicates) was held on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in the dining area. All of the staff were very helpful in preparation and Hans, the maintenance man, played his guitar and sang "Amazing Grace" during the service. Claire played the piano and spoke briefly about Winnie; Shirley sang a solo, "Great is Thy Faithfulness." Allen was the "head usher" and passed out the memorial folders. I gave the welcome, read Scripture and shared a very brief meditation on 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Shirley led us in one congregational song, "In the Garden."
Several of Winnie and Norm's good friends from Marblemount came to the service, and of course, many of Winnie's friends from Alpine Ridge. (I would estimate that there were about 40 in attendance.) The service was well received, and Gaylyn, Norm's daughter and Winnie's primary family support in recent years--and especially at the last--seemed pleased with everything. (She is pictured below)
In comments to us after the service, many of the residents agreed with our opinion of Winnie, i.e. - that she never seemed to complain and was always cheerful and optimistic about life. She was very faithful to attend Bible studies that were held for the residents and was an inspiration to most everyone. She loved Jesus, loved to play and sing hymns, and having now claimed her eternal inheritance is obviously in a much better place today. It was an honor to share in the service. -rw