Sunday, October 11, 2009

What would Australia be without ...

... Kangaroos? So, while in Perth we were determined to visit a wildlife park where one could enter a kangaroo pavilion, feed them, and study a host of them at close range. (Nancy spent lots of time with her zoom lens trying to capture a picture of an infant peeking his/her nose out of mother's pouch. Alas, it never happened!) Wouldn't you like a Dingo for a pet? They sure looked a lot like a domestic dog, but you sure can't say the same for the Tasmanian Devil pictured right below!
A big highlight of our trip to the wildlife park was the chance to visit a bunch of koalas on a sleepy afternoon (for them!). An attendant was present and made it clear that pictures were fine and that one particular koala was okay to pet, if done gently. And then, of course, Nancy and I had to have our picture taken with a Wombat and his keeper. - rw

1 comment:

N said...

that keeper looks pretty attached to the wombat......