Sunday, November 1, 2009

Strange Halloween Treats ...

Since Reeve, Gabi and Rania were soon headed-out trick-or-treating (our place was their 1st stop), and since Rania needs gluten-free treats, G'ma decided that a box of cold cereal for each of them would be an ideal "treat" for Halloween! So, that's what happened.

Reeve dressed as a soccer player, Gabi as a gymnast and Rania as Barbie, the Island Princess. (G'pa didn't quite figure out the black and white striped top, but that's okay; he's not really too into what Barbie wears anyway!) - rw


woodward said...

Given the Halloween candy that they raked in, we loved the practical gift of cereal!


N said...

do Gabi and rania have to SHARE their chex??? that's not fair.

Ron and Nancy said...

Sorry, Nzol! Each of them got a box of Rice Chex, Rania's just doesn't show-up in the pix. - Dad