With two full days in Stavanger we devoted one day to taking a ferry and bus to a point-of-departure for the 3.8 km hike to the top of Pulpit Rock. The picture above shows the two of us at a point short of the summit (Ron climbed all the way; Nancy decided to stop short of the goal due to a dicey place in the trail.). The picture below shows how people love to show-off by getting close to the edge of the 1500' vertical drop into the fjord.

When I got on top the rock it was really windy so I didn't stay long. However, I did find a guy who only spoke Spanish to take a very wind-blown picture of me to demonstrate that I made it! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to communicate effectively that I wanted a good picture of the fjord, with me pictured off to the side!

The trail from the parking lot to the top was "rugged" to say the least. As the picture shows, much of the trail looked like a
non-trail -- a boulder field instead. On top of that there were steep places where Nancy and I used "all-fours" to get down. I'm not sure my Spanish is perfect, but I'd call it
un paseo horrible. Afterwards, however, some Norwegians explained to us that in Norway the preference is to leave things "natural," rather than construct a nicely graded trail like you might find in the High Sierras or the Cascades. We were both really tired when we got back to Stavanger (bus/ferry), but we were sure happy about the great weather for the hike! - rw