Sunday, November 11, 2012

A "Kenya Event" in Kuala Lumpur

On Friday night, November 9th -- just as ISKL's "Deepavali Holiday Vacation" was beginning and many of us were preparing to fly out of KL on a holiday trip -- Gary & Terry Piech (center) hosted a very nice dinner with ex-ISK-er Connie Buford who was in town for an AISA administrators' conference. (Between her and Charlie on the right is none other than Doug Woodward [Tracy was sick on Friday night and couldn't come.]) Pictured on the left are ISKL "newbies" (currently in their first year), Patricia and Michael, who arrived at ISK-Nairobi the year that Connie left her post. Nancy and I are pictured next to them. Gary and Terry prepared a super-delicious dinner! - rw

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