Thursday, November 8, 2012

The U.S. Election in KL

A large group gathered Wednesday morning in the ISKL library to watch U.S. election results -- thanks to Nancy's careful preparations that even included refreshments! (Teachers were invited to bring their students for a time in the morning -- since in KL we are now 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard time.)
Notice how attentive Doug Woodward is with computer on his lap during the event!
Later in the morning Doug and Tracy were actually sitting together in the library watching events unfold on CNN. When the day was over Nancy announced that the "Election Event" was a grand success. Students and faculty members really seemed to appreciate the chance to be right in front of the TV to monitor election results as they unfolded. -rw (For those with an eye for detail, the 07/11/2012 is the Asian approach to describing dates. The day comes first, and then the month!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron and Nancy. Came across your blog and really enjoyed reading your posts on KL. I lived there from 1995 to 2001 in apts 201 and 202 in hampstead rise (we made a hole in the wall to better fit our family). I started school in kindergarten at the melawati campus all the way to grade 6 at the HS campus. My family attended St. Andrews also. I remember trips to Puket, Bali, terranganu and more. I remember a significant amount of my childhood because it was so diverse. I also started swimming lessons in the hampstead rise pool, and continued on to my highschools varsity team in Texas. Have been here in Texas since 2001 and am so greatful for my international experiences, your grandchildren are very lucky and will gain a lot from all they are experiencing now.
Happy Holidays,

Kelly M

L said...

I also randomly came across your blog (by clicking "next blog"). I lived in KL in 2000 and went to ISKL for 8th grade. Some of the teachers in your photographs look familiar. My dad recently started working in KL again. I miss it! Your photos are lovely, you look like you are having a great time :)

All the best,
