Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Italian Civics Class

One of the requirements for living in Italy is to take a class on Italian Civics. So the ten new teachers went off on Tuesday afternoon to a four hour class at a local school that was a 45 minute drive across town. There was a Powerpoint presentation in in English and then the teacher explained it all in Italian. Italians are much more compassionate about immigrants. Any woman who is pregnant gets all medical care covered for her and her baby with no questions asked and no fear of being deported or arrested. Some of the laws seem much more humane than in the US. - Nancy

1 comment:

Jo Ellen said...

Hi Nancy, I got caught up with your blogs tonight. I've enjoyed reading them and learning about the non-tourist part of Rome. Great pictures, too. Hope the garbage gets picked up regularly! Looking forward to more postings. Love, Jo (and Ron)