Saturday, September 16, 2017

Vatican Tour Part 2 of Saturday

After spending the morning at the Colesseum we stopped for quick lunch, got a taxi to the Vatican and met up with our Vatican Museum Tour.  Our tour was interrupted by phone calls from the airport to make arrangements for Tasha's lost luggage to be delivered. We had made arrangements for a colleague of mine who lives just down the street to meet the delivery man. It was good news that when we got home Tasha's luggage in my place. The Vatican Museum is huge and needs much more than a two hour tour to explore but we got a taste of it. The Sistine Chapel is supposed to be a place of no talking and no photos but evidently some tourist don't follow the rules. Guards had to keep reminding the visitors of the rules. The ceilings, walls,  and courtyards are all covered with art. - Nancy

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