Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday in KL

Today was a typical Sunday in KL. We've been attending church at St. Andrew's Presbyterian. The picture was taken when Dad and Ramona visited us in December.

After church today Ron and I took the three grandchildren back to our condo for a nice swim while Doug and Tracy took a short break and went to KLCC.

We had a quick dinner since there were very tired kids and off they went to their house for naps.
Ron and I got in naps (me a long one and Ron a short one). I got in an hour of lap swimming. The evening was spent catching up on emails, watching the news and going to our closest shopping center for groceries. It's all decorated for Chinese New Year which is February 7 and 8. It's been a good Sabbath Day. -Nancy

1 comment:

N said...

yum! very nice sabbath. glad to see you not working there....