As members of the American Association of Malaysia we receive a monthly magazine that notifies us of outlings, classes, social groups, etc. So, early in the year when I saw that there was a beginning Bahasa language class being offered each Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. (2 hours) at the AAM Headquarters building (pictured below), I signed-on. The class runs for 15 weeks and we just finished week #8.
When you come to visit us, you will need to know some of the language, so here's what to work on:
Thank you - Terima kasih (the "e" in Terima is slurred; the "i" in kasih is a long "a"
Good Morning - Selamat pagi
Good night - Selamat malam
I want rice. - Saya nak nasi.
I want rice with chicken. - Saya nak nasi ayam.
I am retired. - Saya sudah pencen.
Where is the rest room? - Tandas di mana?
I have a computer. - Saya ada komputer.
Don't forget to practice! - rw
Saya nak pencen
It is a sad day when baba yangu vastly surpasses his firstborn's Bahasa skills.
Natasha: I understand that you want a pension. We can't really deal with that here, so please apply with the Social Security Administration. Thank you, however, for your inquiry. - rw
Did I not say that I want to retire? Pencen is "retire", according to you. I don't care about my pension, i just want to retire and live off my brother. and eat chickens. I expect you to be fluent in Bahasa when I arrive.
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