Monday, December 26, 2011

The California Redwoods!

On Monday afternoon (Boxing Day in NZ) we spent about an hour walking in "the Redwoods" just adjacent to the Redwoods B&B where we are staying for three nights.

Way back in 1889 foresters in NZ planted 170 different varieties of trees in order to determine what varieties would be most suitable for lumber. It turned out that a Monterey pine was the tree chosen as the best for logging; however, in 1901 a large grove of California Redwoods was also planted. Because of the volcanic soil and abundant rainfall, the trees grew about twice as fast as they did in California. Hence, in the 110 years since being planted some of the trees have a diameter of nearly 10'.Unique to this NZ grove, however, is the abundance of tree ferns that are growing throughout the grove. The picture below was taken on Nancy's camera and shows one of the "fern coils." - rw

1 comment:

Mark W. said...

Wow, looks just like the real thing.