Thursday, December 8, 2011

ISKL Kindergarten Christmas Program

Prep Senior (alias, U.S. Kindergarten) is Rania's grade-level this year at ISKL. And, on Friday, December 9th, all the Prep Senior classes put on their Christmas musical program. In addition to being in the large choir, Rania, who probably should have had a solo on "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth ...", had two different parts in a video presentation that supported the Christmas musical. It was a fun event to attend!

Sister Gabi had her own adventure about a week earlier when Grandpa had set-up an "assessment ride" for her out at the Royal Selangor Polo Club. She is pictured with her horse, Perdida. - rw

1 comment:

N said...

very LOVELY. and Gabi looks like a PRO with Pardida. i hope she gets to ride her often!!