Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jesus' b-day is not the only one in December!

Since Gabi's birthday comes on the 10th of December each and every year, Nancy and I had the joy of joining the celebration of her 8th b-day on Saturday night, December 10th at Doug and Tracy's house.

Then, after church the next morning all of us gathered at our place to celebrate Jesus' birth with a ham dinner, the reading of Scripture and the opening of gifts. Before that, however, we got a chance to see all three grandchildren participating in the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church's Sunday School Christmas program. Can you guess from the picture at the right which one looks like Mary, the mother of Jesus? Well, I don't know about the look-alike, but the one in Tracy's arms actually played the part of Mary! In the program, the children were rather typically dressed as angels and shepherds. Reeve did an excellent job of reading Scripture, and in the picture below Rania, playing the part of Mary, is in the front row with Gabi singing behind her. You'll notice Reeve on the left side of the group. And, I couldn't pass-up including the classic picture of Mary and baby Jesus! - rw

1 comment:

N said...

nice! So does that make Tracy the grandmother of Jesus and you the great grandfather of Jesus??? I must be his great aunt then... that brings in some new family genealogy!