Monday, September 7, 2015

Back again to Denali!

On the Sunday of Labor Day week-end I made my second trip to Denali N.P. in a week, with Nancy driving. We arrived at the park before 10:00 a.m. and drove on the park road straight to the short Mountain View Trail where we had great views of Denali. Obviously, many pictures were taken, and we enjoyed perfect weather--with no wind and no clouds in the sky.
After the short hike we drove as far as we could on the park road (the 15 mi. marker, beyond which only tour buses are allowed), and then returned to the Visitors' Center for lunch. We were duly impressed by the fall colors everywhere we drove, and managed to take pictures of several moose right by the side of the road. - rw


Mark W. said...

Wow, these pictures are even better than the Facebook ones. Don't feed the meese!

N said...

Can't wait to go there!!!