Thursday, December 28, 2017

House Issues

 Flexibility is always a virtue but especially when traveling. The caretaker of the Airbnb we are renting said to be careful and not have the dishwasher and washing machine both on at the same time. We didn't realize that also meant the toaster or the oven. The electrical panel pops the circuit breaker. We reset it but it does not reset the hot water panel. This first happened on Christmas day and we heated water on the stove top for two days since the Christmas is a holiday but the 26th is also a holiday in Italy. It is St. Stephen's Day and most everything is closed. A repairman had to come and reset the hot water on the 27th.
But today we again ran the washing machine and the electricity popped off again. So we sent a picture of the hot water panel to the caretaker and she texted back for us to hold down the red button for 15 minutes and then try it again. If it didn't work we were to contact her again. We thought that this was a bad translation since she only speaks Italian and asked if she meant 15 seconds or 15 minutes. She assured us that is was 15 minutes so Doug dutifully held on to the red button for 15 minutes twice. We are waiting for a technician to come to reset the hot water for us.

The dishwasher flooded the kitchen floor once but the beds are comfortable here and there are 3 bathrooms so we are quite comfortable.  - Nancy


Mark W. said...

It's OK, looks like Doug needed to plan upcoming travels/studies anyway.

N said...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that sounds like a bit of an issue. Lord have mercy.