Thursday, April 5, 2018

3rd and final day of hiking in Tuscany

Navigating water and mud
When Mark and Marta made their travel plans for Italy they wanted to spend time in Tuscany and hike. That goal was met in a grand way today. Although the forecast was for scattered rain showers and we could see them across the valleys but we were never caught in one. Mark found a loop that was 23 kilometers which is a little over 13 miles. It included a bus ride to the next village and then a loop hike back to Greve. I told Mark that I thought that was a bit much for me but he assured me that there were drop out points where I could catch a bus back to Greve. So off we went. The trail had a few red and white blazes which were helpful. It had rained lots the previous days so the we encountered some muddy sections right away. There were a few stream crossings but the biggest one actually had a bridge over it. I had brought a fold up walking stick that my friend had left with me when she visited Italy. It was very helpful except for the muddy places. The pointed end of the walking stick
With the dead leaves it seemed like fall hiking.
would dig into the mud and then when I tried lift it out it would pull apart like a tent pole that is being folded up. I would have to reach back and get the end to the pole out of the mud.  Not the best system for hiking but I managed not to fall into the mud or trip on a rock so I guess it worked. Mark kept asking me if I was OK until I told him not to ask anymore. I never used the bail out option and ended hiking about 14 miles. I thought I was on my walk across England again. - Nancy

We saw lot of stone villas.

Small road as the path for a section of the hike.

Church in the very small village of Lamole. Clock was not working.

Inside of the church

We had packed a picnic lunch. Lamole had a small picnic area.

Very muddy climb up a steep hill.

Showers across the valley

1 comment:

Marta said...

I love hiking. Even I was a little sick of it that day, to be honest.