Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 17, Sunday Sept. 1, Lion Inn Blakey Ridge

Hiked 8.75 Miles, 162.75 miles down, 29.25 miles to go
Each day I read the trail description and know the miles we need to walk. In my mind I figure an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for each day. Yesterday I figured an ETA of 4 pm and we arrived at 5:45 pm. Today I was hoping for an ETA of 2 pm and we arrived at 1:15 pm. That included a snack and lunch stop. We were both pleased to arrive early and get settled into our room. In fact we arrived before our luggage arrived but it came shortly and we get our baths and are now relaxing on a Sunday afternoon. Our feet are enjoying the rest. Today's hike, after one steep climb at the beginning of the day, was mostly on a wide track that was used by the former Rosedale Ironstone Railway to serve the nearby mines a century and a half ago. The wind was whipping across the moors all day. At times it seemed to push us sideways. At least the wind was always blowing into our right side or into our backs. Coats were needed all day. Kathy wore a headband to cover her ears and gloves some of the day. Blakey Ridge only has the Lion Inn where we are staying.
It is the 4th highest inn in Britain. It dates back to 1553. It seems to be quite the destination for a Sunday outing. It is a hub of activity today. We are snug in our room on the second floor. It had the narrowest staircase so getting our suitcases up was a bit of a challenge. Today while we were walking I thought about who would excel on this hike. the first person I thought of is Tasha. She has great balance and takes on steep trails like a mountain goat. Marta would also do very well. I just keep plugging along. We are truly getting closer to our goal. Today was cloudy and very windy but still good hiking weather. It feels like the crispness of fall up on the moorlands. - Nancy


Unknown said...

It sounds like you are having a great time! I agree that Auntie Tasha and my Mom would do very well on your hike. You are almost there!

Ron and Nancy said...

Go Nance! As Daniel says, "You're almost there!" - rw