Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 20, Wed. Sept. 4, The Villa Robin Hoods Bay

Hiked 4.5 miles, 192 miles down, none to go, Finish!
Doug's Birthday - Happy birthday to him. I called him after we had finished our walk. I told him except for the day he was born this might have been the most eventful September 4th for me. Yes, we finished and on a glorious day. We left our B&B this morning at 8:30 am and were throwing our pebbles into the North Sea at 11 am.
We did all of the traditional things - threw our pebbles from St. Bees into the North Sea (truth declaration for me - I couldn't find mine so had to pretend), dipped our hiking boots which had now been exchanged for sandals into the North Sea, took lots of pictures, stopped at the Wainwright Bar in the Bay Hotel
to sign the Coast 2 Coast registry and have a lemonade (tradition calls for glass of ale), and just reveled in the fact that we had completed the entire walk. The official trail guide says it is 192 miles; our guide book says it is a little over 200 miles, and my GPS said I walked 237.7 miles since we started in St. Bees. My feet and Kathy's survived and now we can give them a rest. Robin Hoods Bay is a small coastal town. (pix at bottom of blog) The old town is down by the dock and dates to 17th century and the upper part of the town dates from the Victorian age. The B&B where we are staying was built in 1892. Of course our room is on the third floor so we can get some more exercise. How does it feel to be done? Mainly I feel relieved. Except for my feet I feel strong and healthy. I also feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment. It was a great effort to do this. Neither of us ever considered quitting. We knew our limits and managed to work within them. Would I do it again?
Never, but I am glad I took on the challenge and succeeded. Next is a nice celebration dinner tonight. Tomorrow we take the bus and the train to Manchester to be ready to board our flight home early Friday morning. Normally I dread long flights but sitting on a plane for 12 hours, watching movies, snoozing, eating, and reading sounds wonderful after walking for so long. Thanks to all of you who followed our journey on our blogs. Love to all - Nancy


Unknown said...

Congratulations! You made it!
From Mark and family

Anonymous said...

Good work, Nancy! That day of Doug's birth was a celebration after some hard labor as well. Savor your grand accomplishment.
Love, Marcile

N said...

Well done!!! So glad you made it safe and sound... and gorgeous pics... but you will have to do it again, in order to throw your pebble into the sea. Looking forward to hearing all the stories!