Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 13, Wed. Aug. 28, Arandale House, Richmond

Layover day - We had a welcome rest day. The owner of the B&B even did our laundry for us. We visited Richmond Castle in the morning.
It was founded in 1077. After it was no longer used as a Castle and started to crumble it became a tourist attraction. During World War I it was used as an army garrison and a prison. There were 16 prisoners who became known as the Richmond 16
who were held as prisoners and there are inscriptions that they wrote on the walls. These sixteen were conscientious objectors and were eventually sent to France to be given a death penalty for refusing to fight in the war. News of this leaked out and they were imprisoned in harsh conditions but spared the death penalty. Even so some died in prison. The men were young. Some were Methodists, Jehovah Witness, and several Quakers. In the display in the exhibition hall about the Richmond 16 it stated that their prison sentences and suffering led to the acceptance of a person being a conscientious objector. It was a fascinating bit of Quaker history for me. We then purchased lunch for the trail tomorrow and caught up on e-mails. Later we went on a tour of the Georgian Theatre that was built in 1788. It has been restored and is in use now. We were disappointed that there was no play tonight. Tomorrow there is Globe Theatre group performing "The Taming of the Shrew."
Even on our rest day our GPS recorded that we walked 4.2 miles. We even climbed to the top of the castle and had great views of Richmond. Seeing all the chimney tops reminded me of the movie "Mary Poppins." Back on the trail tomorrow. - Nancy (Pictured below are the Richmond Gardens. - rw)

1 comment:

Doug said...

It was so great to talk to you and hear about the layover day. Glad you enjoyed the castle and visit to the theater. Too bad no play was on. That would have been a highlight!