Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nancy's Adventure Begins!

For now anyway, Nancy has sent text and photos to me to place on our blog. - rw Her first message was: "We arrived in St. bees on the train and had a good trip. Overcast but no rain. Our B&B is right by the train station. Need sleep. We are glad for a layover day tomorrow." - Nancy
Nancy arrived by train in St. Bees on the 14th and had all day on the 15th to explore, rest and take a nap. Her 2nd posting was: "Layover day for us. We hiked up above St. Bees, were in fields and climbed over several stiles. Good practice for our hike. Then we hiked down to the beach and got our pebble
to take to Robin Heads Bay and drop in the North Sea. Also dipped our boots into the Irish Sea as a symbolic start of our hike. Overcast but no rain in the morning, rained while we napped. We are ready to start hiking tomorrow." - Nancy

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