Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 4, Monday Aug. 19 Silver Lea, Grasmere

Hiked 9 miles, 37.5 down, 154.5 to go
Today was a shorter hike than yesterday but it was a steep climb out of the valley to a highpoint and then a very steep climb - handholds and scrambling up to a pass. The top of the pass was very boggy and the path was indistinct so we were happy to have our GPS units. It was a steep, rocky descent. One of the Brits on the trail told us that we would know where the trail was because there would be water running down it. We did countless stream hoppings.
We arrived at our B&B at 4:30 and walked to dinner to the village of Grasmere. It is a quaint little place. British poet William Wordsworth lived in Grasmere and is buried in the graveyard of the 13th century St. Oswald's Church.
The weather was fine for the Lake District, no rain, high clouds, and good visibility. The sun would burst out at times. One of my surprises so far is how rocky and steep the trails are in the Lake District. It is not only the little rocks but the bigger ones that require high steps that make the trails hard on the feet. Kathy and I agree that it was probably good that we didn't know so much about the trail conditions when we set out on this adventure or we might have reconsidered doing it. - Nancy

1 comment:

Doug said...

Glad you are overcoming some of the crazy trail conditions. Sounds like a good experience and good opportunity for being outside with some amazing views. The pictures are pretty stunning!