Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Making Progress - Wed.

The Internet worked all morning (By the way, we start out with breakfast!)
and the electricity only went off once today so we made lots of progress. We have about 520 books entered and on the shelves. In the afternoon the Internet was off most of the time so we began to arrange the books so they are in order on the shelves. We have about 150 to 200 more books to enter but these will be slow to enter into the RFTC catalog because the majority of them do not have any catalog records that match them. They have to be entered the old fashioned way - line by line. It would be nice to explore the area a bit. Musanze is the take off-point to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda. We can see the volcanoes that are up the mountain from the town. The volcanoes are often shrouded in clouds. The book "Gorillas in the Mist" is aptly titled.
We eat lunch and dinner with the students at RFTC. Some speak English but most are now learning the language. The Rwandan government is transitioning from French to English for all schools.
The picture is of some of us walking from the school to the guest house; however, the street in front of the RFTC Library has a steady flow of walkers. Many of the women carry a pot on their head or have a baby on their back.
Our cook is delightful!(pictured to the right) It is cool here at night but great for sleeping. Pictured below is my room. - Nancy


Mark W. said...

What a nice-looking breakfast! Glad to hear you've made so much progress.

N said...

yes, that looks so nice, eating outside!